sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016

Kodi Portable Krypton, international version in english with addon store, Genesis and Exodus.

 Exodus Addon for the best things on screen!

 Addon Instaler for simpler instals!

Ever tried to install Kodi, but it was way too complicated for you to do? Now it's easy, just download, unzip it and start in the "start here" icon.

List of Addons:

gdrive-for you to view your drive images.

gdrive-for you to listen to your google drive music. 

gdrive-for you to view you google drive videos.
Exodus-the new best addon for streaming around from the creator of Genesis.
Genesis-old but gold.
Kodi Live TV-hundreds of channels around the world for you to watch.
Playlist Loader-few IPTV lists with a lot of channels including some adult ones.
Surikata TV-Best Portuguese addon.
Veetle and Youtube 

Addon Instaler-from tvaddons the best and simple way to install new addons.
Maintenance Tool-another from tvaddons it's a easy way to clear cache and other things.

Autosubs-at the start of the video a box will open for you to choose the subtitles, there will be a tutorial on how to change the subs or to turn them off. 

Download Kodi Portable